Arts Connection Cyswllt Celf
Contact: Sian Walters
Y Dolydd
Llanfyllin SY22 5LD
Arts Connection Cyswllt Celf
Arts Connection – Cyswllt Celf is an independent participatory arts charity and have provided high quality participatory arts projects in a wide range of artistic mediums since 1994. Our work with schools, children, youth, people with learning disabilities and the wider community offers increased involvement and participation and a welcoming bilingual doorway into the arts.
Our mission is to inspire people to participate in the arts, enhancing their creativity and wellbeing and our goals are:
PARTICIPATION – widen opportunities for people to engage and participate in the arts
DIVERSITY – promote inclusivity and diversity in the arts
SUSTAINABILITY – build a more sustainable, viable and resilient organisation
We deliver participatory workshops, films, exhibitions, talks etc. that encompass a broad range of art forms, from craft to digital arts. Our work is focused on reaching and enhancing the lives of those who are disadvantaged economically, socially and geographically. We deliver our activities through our five eclectic creative programmes, these are:
- Arts for All – activities for all but with a focus on older people and families
- Learning by Art – activities for children and young people aged 0 - 25 both in informal and informal settings
- Art of Wellbeing – activities with people with learning disabilities and with a health and wellbeing focus
- Wild @ Art - focused on stainability and outdoor work
- Skills & Thrills - developing participatory arts practice
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Page last modified: 27 Feb 2023, 14:02